I was on the verge of waking up from a powerful dream. Roaming around a castle a voice over said to me in a dark brown voice:
“You are part of Arthur’s court”. I turned around and there was nobody there. So I raised my head and shouted back: “No way, that I am part
of a bunch of ignorant males looking for a fight”.

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Later, sitting at the coffee table enjoying my breakfast, I thought about how powerful voice over dreams are. This one got me curious to find out more about the Arthur mythology.
In 2016 I decided to take my family to Cornwall to explore some Arthurian scenes. Our first stop was Dozmary Pool, where Lady Argante gave excalibur to Arthur and it was returned to Argante after Arthur is taken to Avalon.

Photo in private collection of author
We visited Stonehenge, a place that Merlin supposedly moved from Ireland. It was a magical place, filled with the wind of our ancestors. Transported from Ireland by the magic of Merlin.

Photo private collection of author
But the more I ‘got’ into my dream, the more it dawned on my that the Lake is like a mandala. The Jungian symbol of the Self. This Holy Nights Event, we are going to sail around the Lake, filling our mandala
with personal (dream) symbols and events. Until we arrive, the last night at the Chalice garden to dip our toe into the Well where the Grail is buried.

Photo private collection of author
Each year during the twelve days of Christmas Mindfunda organizes the Holy Nights. An online event that you can join to get inspired for the new year and share dreams. For twelve days and thirteen nights we are going to dream about what the New Year will bring. This is based upon the insights of Anthropologist Rudolph Steiner. Each night corresponds with a month of the new year. This year the Ladies of King Arthur will sail with us around the Lake. We will dance with the Lord of Summer, take a dive into the muddy waters searching for Argante, listen to the love story of Merlin and Nimue, pay homage to Earth Goddess Igraine, and get in touch with our quest for the Grail.
Want to join? Sign up here for:
The Holy Nights 2021 – 2022 Golden Package that includes:
A Daily Mythological story about the Arthur Myth;
A Daily dream Incubation
Access to a closed off Facebook Group where dreams can be shared
An online WordPress/Pages Dream book with your Holy Nights dreams
A Dream consultation at the end of the online Event
Sign up here for the Holy Nights Silver Package that includes:
A Daily Mythological story about the Arthur Myth;
A Daily dream Incubation
Access to a closed off Facebook Group where dreams can be shared
I hope that you will join us this year to make Christmas 2021 a special celebration together with (new) friends. You will learn more about Norse Mythology. You will get a deeper insight into your own (dream) symbols. But most of all, you will enhance your knowledge about yourself: that the greatest gift you can give yourself.