“What am I? Am I the bulb that carries the light, or am I the light of which the bulb is a vehicle?”
You can still enrol in the course Turning the Wheel of the Year and celebrate Imbolc. You will get 4 moments in the year to reflect on a myth and share dream. Each lesson contains:
- a mythological story about Brigid;
- an invitation to interpret the mythological story
- questions that will help you determine how this mythology plays a role in your life;
- an incubation both a written text and an audio file so you can listen while falling asleep;
- a private dream sharing group on Facebook
Interested? Sign up here: Turning the Wheel of the Year.
Imbolc is the old Celtic celebration of the return of the light. On February 1, the old ancient Goddess Brigid* returns after being held in captivity by the old Hag of winter. It’s on the horse of Angus Og, she rides while the cold winds are blowing.
Imbolc and Earth’s Fertility

It’s a celebration of the first milk of sheep after the long dark cold winter. I invite you to contemplate how you are connected to the galaxy, knowing that galaxy stems from the Greek word galaxias, a word that means milk.

I will encourage you to monitor the food you give yourself, the food for your body and that for your soul. We all know that those two are related like the web of Indra.
In the web of Indra, the world is entangled, like a spiderweb. Everything is connected. Like the universe itself, the web has no beginning and no end. Each individual is a part of this net. At each node of the net is a jewel. And each jewel reflects all other jewels.
Content Of The Imbolc Section Of Turning The Wheel
The Imbolc section of Turning the Wheel of the Year is divided into four parts:
The first lesson will tell you a mythological story about Brigid, the Goddess of (inner) light.
The second lesson is an invitation for you to interpret the mythological about Spring Goddess Brigid to get your creative juices flowing. Even though I would never suggest that the interpretation offered in the course is the only way to incorporate the mythological theme presented, I hope that these insights help you to connect with the archetypical energies that the story touches upon.

The third lesson consists of open-ended questions for you to contemplate. How do these archetypical energies manifest themselves in your life right now?
Questions like: Bridged is the Goddess associated with poetry. If your life is a poem, what would be its tune? If you don’t read poetry, just play your favourite song. Dance like it’s a meditation (it’s the only way to dance as far as I am concerned).
The fourth and final part of this Imbolc celebration consists of a dream Incubation. You are welcome to share your dreams on the Facebook page that belongs to this course. Once you sign up you will be added this group. Enjoy a year full of dreaming and connection with fellow dreamers.

*There is the question of the name: sometimes it is spelled Brigit, sometimes Brigid. According to James MacKillop, author of ‘Myths and Legends of the Celts’ the Celtic Goddess her name is spelled Brigit and the Christian Saint is called Brigid. No matter how her name is spelled, in my eyes the energy of both the Celtic Deity and the Catholic Saint is the same. Because the story I chose to share with you is based upon a story of a priest, I write her name that way: Brigid.
Aim of the Imbolc Celebration in this Course
The aim of this section of the course Turning the Wheel is to focus on the inner spark of your soul. With Brigid being a symbol of the light of the sun, I invite you to reflect on the question Joseph Campbell asked a couple of decades ago: “What am I? Am I the bulb that carries the light, or am I the light of which the bulb is a vehicle?”
Excited? Register here: Turning the Wheel