Music-heart connection
 of Beethoven

We all know how soothing music can be when our heart is broken. Or how we jump around on up-beat tempo music when we are in love. Recently cardiologists found out that listening to music can strengthen the heart and improve the recovery of patients suffering from heart disease. There is a connection between the heart and music.

The music of Ludwig van Beethoven was probably also affected by his heart.. Researchers at the University of Washington found out that when a person has an arrhythmia, it happens in patterns. These heart rhythm problems of Beethoven affected his work. The picture shows the rythm of a person with arrhythmia:

ventricular fibrilation
ventricular fibrilation

These same patterns coincide with sudden and unexpected changes in rhythm and key found in Beethovens’ later work: for instance his ninth symphony. His heartbeat must have been a focus point for him because he was almost deaf.

The pattern of notes in Beethovens’ ninth symphony

Zachary Goldberger publiced an article in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine called The heartfelt music of Beethoven. And because there is a connection we can all feel between music an the heart: the way your heart beats in synch with a drum, this relationship might just open very interesting perspectives.



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My name is Susanne van Doorn, I am a Dutch psychologist, blogger and author. I have been working with psychology, dreams and mythology ever since I finished my study in psychology at Tilburg University. I made this independant site to share insights, and recent scientific articles about the brain, dreams, and mythology for use in your personal life.

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