Odin: Ongoing Original Inner Wisdom

Odin is the Norse Father God. This blog is about my new online Norse Mythology course that starts March 20, the first day of spring.

Odin the Father

Being brought up Catholic, my young mind attached godly wisdom into the image of a Father God. This Father god, somewhere up high, was an old grumpy guy, with a beard.

As soon as I read in the bible that he had ordered a father to sacrifice his only son, I became very suspicious about this Father God.  I liked mother Mary much more.

Odin is a father god of the human beings on earth, but also of Baldr. The way Odin endeared me was that he sacrificed his own eye into the well of Mirmir.

In this course we will investigate these tory about the murder of his som Baldr and how that resonates with our own feelings of betrayal when something you valued more than life itself has gone lost.

Odin and the Well

In order to gain inner wisdom Odin sacrificed an eye in the well of Mirmir. Whenever you dream about eyes, whenever you dream about wells, you should definitely be signing up for this course.

On the forum you will be able to share those dreams with your fellow students. In the dream incubation that is included in this course, you will visit the well, and draw the water of life out of the Well of Remembrance.

Your inner knowledge is available to you. All you need to do is to consciously lift this knowledge up from out of the darkness of the well of remembrance into the daylight.

Odin and the Ravens Huginn and Muninn

If you have a connection with ravens as totem animal, this is the lesson for you. Odin had two ravens:

Huginn and Muninn,
Every day
They fly over earth ground.
I fear for Huginn,
That he may not return,
But even more  I fear
For the loss of Muninn.

The Elder Edda

Photo by Eamon Maguire


Huginn is usually associated with thought, and Muninn with memory. You will most certainly understand why thoughts can be like birds, flying in and out of your head.

Losing your memory is like losing yourself. yes, I know that we are more than the  addition of our past experiences. But there are core-memories your sense of self is build around. We will explore this in this lesson of the course.

Odin and the Sacrifice

We are surrounded by data. Big Brother Google is bringing you every website about every subject you are curious about.

Little entrepreneurs like me have to give away knowledge for free, in order to get paying customers. And we do that, because it is in our genes to help people get the best out of themselves.

Odin would have thrived in an age like this. Not only did he sacrifice an eye to gain wisdom. He also hung himself on the tree of life for nine days.

On the Yggdrasil he made the ultimate sacrifice to unveil the magic knowledge of the runes.


We will not be getting into the oracle of the runes, but we will be exploring magic in our own dreams, visions and lives that can tell us something about our life’s destiny.

Odin and the Yggdrasil

Last but not least, another theme in this course will be the Yggdrasil and its nine realms of being, the nine days that Odin hung himself. What is the spiritual value of number nine?

What does this magic number mean in your own life and in your own dreams? How many of the different reams of Yggdrasil do you recognise from films, from books, from poetry, or from dreams?




What is Mindfunda about?

My name is Susanne van Doorn, I am a Dutch psychologist, blogger and author. I have been working with psychology, dreams and mythology ever since I finished my study in psychology at Tilburg University. I made this independent site to share insights, and recent scientific articles about the brain, dreams, and mythology for use in your personal life.

This posting is categorised as Mythofunda:
“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths” Joseph Campbell used to say. This part of Mindfunda shows you how your personal mythology can create peace in your life.

Read more about Mindfunda here, or visit our Courses Page.

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    2 thoughts on “Odin: Ongoing Original Inner Wisdom”

    1. Hi Susanne, A wonderful post, full of many mythical insights! With the story of Odin hanging from the Tree of Life for nine days and nights, the Tarot’s Hanged Man calmly stepped (or should I say swung) into my mind. I do not know much about the Runes, only the bare minimum I feel however after reading I felt a runic spread was long overdue so I reached for them … and as always they gave me, much like the Tarot, such rich awareness and guidance. Thank you so much for helping me to remember this ancient divination tool and for sharing your knowledge. Blessings always, Deborah.

      1. Hi Deborah, thank you for your comment. The Hanged Man is associated with Odin and with Merlin, who was a shaman as well. The ability to look at situations from a different perspective is a thing we only know once we are bitten and bruised. Odin just speeded up this process.
        Thanks so much for your original associations with my posts, I can’t wait until I read about your vision of the hermit (did you know that in Niki de Saint Phalle’s garden, the hermit wanders around? It is in a different spot every day)

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