The Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern Europe
In The Well of Remembrance, Ralph Metzner invites us on a journey of ancestral healing and reconnection. Drawing on Norse mythology, Metzner explores Odin’s symbolic sacrifices—hanging from Yggdrasil, giving his eye to the Well of Wisdom—to illustrate the power of reconciliation, inner vision, and ancestral remembrance. At the foot of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, lies Mímir’s Well, where we find wisdom by diving into the waters of our past. Metzner emphasizes the critical need for rituals of reconciliation today, uniting the wisdom of Earth-bound traditions and Sky gods. His message: our ancestors hold stories that heal, guide, and ground us in times of change.
Key Takeaways:
Odin as a bridge-builder between irreconcilable differences.
Mímir’s Well as a symbol of memory and ancestral wisdom.
The importance of reconnecting with mythology to heal modern divides.
Rituals of reconciliation: a practice for today’s world.
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