Nature misses you as much as you miss to be out in the air, feeling the cold breath of the wind kissing your skin. You are probably, just like me, all day glued behind your screen.
If you have trouble sleeping, if you feel fatigued, if you are a bit bored with life: adventure is calling you. You know that you’d better go outside and bathe in nature. In Japan this is called shinrin-yoku, and it reduces high blood pressure and boosts the immune system.

When you seem to have lost purpose in life, give yourself permission to spend four moments every season to reflect on your inner wisdom. Tapping into the well of your inner wisdom by reading a mythological story. Being challenged to interpret it. Getting guidance on how to work with mythology and archetypes. And last but certainly not least, to use the technique of dream incubation you’d be tuning into the wisdom that is locked in mythology.
Celtic Fire Festivals
Our ancestors had to be in tune with nature. The Celts celebrated each new beginning of the seasons. I have developed an online course that tunes in exactly on those needs.
By subscribing to Turning the Wheel, you are able, for just 25 dollars per season to:
- Enjoy a mythological story of Celtic Mythology;
- Learn some clever techniques to interpret a mythology;
- Intriguing questions that will help you to rewrite the mythological theme of your life;
- Tune into your dreams with the incubation of the season;
- Share dreams and increase your insights.
On October 31 we will start with Samhain, dedicated to the darkness, the wisdom of the ancestors and the Irish Goddess of dreams.
If you would like to, you can also sign up for Mindfunda’s Holy Nights and profit from an extra discount of 35%. This year’s holy nights will be dedicated to the Greek Goddess of Dreams Hecate.

The next event will be at Imbolc, February 2, when we will honour the wisdom of Brighid. We will look for the fertile parts of our personality that might be buried deep into the depths of our dreams.
On Beltane, April 30, we will (re)search the wisdom of the mother of the Earth, as she is depicted as Guinevere in the Arthur mythology.
And on August one, we will celebrate the god of light who is at the height of its power now.
Read more about this offer here: Turning the Wheel of the Year
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Credit: Photo in header: Sorasak
My mythology class honors the cross quarters. I see the Western horizon from my home and watch the days shorten as the Sun moves south. That must be even more striking where you are. I’m a Nature Mystic–more and more as I age. Forest bathing and stream washing are favorites. Each Monarch release this summer, all 90+ of them, was a ritual of hope after raising them from eggs and watching the miracle of their transformations. The last one flew this morning. It has a long journey ahead to Mexico, but there are still flowers in the fields for nectar.
Hi Elaine, thanks for your replay. I know from experience how my body resonates with the seasons. Your life sounds wonderful and very much in tune with nature.