Take a nap to improve your hippocampus

The Seahorse of the Brain

In your brain, one of the most vital parts is the hippocampus. The name comes from the Greek word ἱππόκαμπος (hippokampos), meaning “seahorse,” derived from ἵππος (hippos), “horse,” and κάμπος (kampos), “sea monster” (source: Wikipedia).


Hippocampus or Seahorse

Why the Hippocampus Matters

Your hippocampus plays a critical role in regulating emotions, long-term memory, and spatial orientation. Its importance was discovered through the groundbreaking work of William Scoville and Brenda Milner. They studied a patient who underwent an operation on the hippocampus to alleviate epileptic seizures. While the seizures were reduced, the patient lost the ability to form new memories, highlighting the hippocampus’s role in memory retention.


Hippocampus drawing by Camillo Golgi

Naps and Memory Improvement

Researchers Emma Bridger and Axel Mecklinger in Germany conducted a study to explore the connection between naps and hippocampus-dependent associative memory (AM) and hippocampus-independent item memory (IM).

They started by establishing a baseline through memory tests. Participants learned single words and word pairs to measure both AM and IM. Then, they divided participants into two groups: one group napped for 90 minutes (the duration of a full sleep cycle), while the other group watched DVDs.

After the break, participants retook the memory tests. The results were striking:

  • The group that took naps maintained or improved their memory performance.
  • The non-napping group showed decreased scores for both associative memory and item memory.

This study underscores the importance of naps for boosting memory, especially for tasks reliant on the hippocampus.

Read more about the study here.

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