Unexpected Fact #1:
There are no right-brained versus left brained people!
Unexpected Fact #2:
Awareness can not be traced back to a specific point in the brain!
I found out about these -and at least 10 more- remarkable facts by reading The Human Brain Book (Click to buy the book and support Mindfunda), written by Rita Carter, a highly recommended read if you are interested in all aspects the human brain.
10 remarkable things about the human brain:
- Did you know that no human brain is the same? Human brains are built according to the construction plan of the genes,
but each set of genes is unique.
- The corpus callosum, the part that unites the two human brain halfs is bigger in women. This might be the cause of the ability of most women to be more emotionally aware.
- Dyslexia is more common with left-handed people.
- Einsteins’ brain missed a groove in the parietal lobe. The area underneath is involved in mathematical thinking. This could be the reason why Einstein had this capacity for capturing the universe in mathematical equations.
- The basic structure of the human brain is finished when a child is three years old. Some parts, like the prefrontal cortex are still offline.
- The prefrontal cortex is fully developed when your 30 years old. The emotional brain is fully developed now. The prefrontal cortex is activated by emotions and leads to more thoughtful perceptions.
- Gamma-aminoacid (GABA), produced by the hypothalamus decreases wakefulness,
and helps you fall asleep.
- There is a circuit in the small brain that measures time. This circuit transmits the data to the motor cortex so muscles can move.
- That is why, when you want to fall asleep, you should walk when it is dark. The darkness increases the fabrication of melatonin.
- To cure phantom pain, people with dissected limbs like arms or legs, look into a mirror that projects those limbs moving. this illusion can alleviate phantom pain.
Mindfunda Verdict:
‘The Human Brain Book’ by Rita Carter is an easy to read book, filled with remarkable facts about the human brain and it will give you so much information about our most important organ.
(yes my dear male readers, the human brain is the most important organ of our body).
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