Today’s post is a guest blog written by Steven Ernenwein, about his precognitive dreams during Mindfunda’s online Holy Nights Event
According to ancient beliefs, the 12 nights between Christmas and Epiphany are a special time for dreaming. Each night should predict something about the month of the following year.
This year (2024) there is also a Winter Solstice Dream Event (Click to sign up).
And here is another blog from a participant (Click to read more).
Precognitive Dreaming
The Thirteen Holy Nights of dreaming are revelatory. Since I took the course during the 2016-2017 season, it’s become a yearly ritual I look forward to now and possibly my favorite two weeks of dreaming during the year. Susanne puts together a very magical, mythical movement through these 13 nights. If you are craving for a very rich, mythic experience, she does such a phenomenal job creating and guiding the experience of these holy nights! I really can’t praise them enough!
My dreams from this experience gave me such a very powerful, symbolic road map for 2017 – and I was going to need it.
The Pre – Precognitive Dream
A week before our group began, I had a dream, which I believe was Lady Holle (whom our process was dedicated to) and I was told I’d have to surrender my “death” to her. What an introduction! Going into it with this, I felt like this process was definitely calling me!

At the time of this experience, I was at one of the hardest points of an internal rite of passage I am undergoing that was initiated by a lucid dream in 2015. I had no job, no money, and was about to lose my immediate family, and later almost my own family I’ve started.
Precognitive Beginning of the Year
January’s dream showed me coming up with the money I needed for rent and praising God for always taking care of me. This actually happened. I was beginning to receive ultimatums that if I didn’t have it, I was getting the boot. I couldn’t believe that between Xmas money, birthday money (my birthday is in January), and a very random money order sent to me by an anonymous friend contained exactly the remaining amount I needed. It was so bizarre and beautiful! Saved my life…till the next month!

Precognitive Dreams about Challenges
February’s dreams foretold of some steep happenings. One, I see a poster of my father and I in the style of a boxing showcase – as if some big showdown was coming. The second, my son dies in the dream and I could have done something to save him if I had only shown up for him. I didn’t want to tell anyone because how ashamed I felt about it.
In February, I did have a huge falling out with my father and we didn’t talk for about four months. He wrote me off, finally breaking, not understanding what I was doing with myself. It was a blessing in disguise, as I have given him and his opinion on certain things about me way too much power over me. This helped me to rectify a healthier dynamic.

At the very end of February, very beginning of March, my fiancée almost finally left me, too. It had been a long, hard year and a half for her, as I was stripped of everything in my life that I gave my power over to. My son has shown up more times than not in my dreams as the “new life” that is emerging through this rite of passage into a new me (as he showed up right in thick of it). This dream of him dying was a warning dream that that month I would run the risk of letting that new life/new me die.
Precognitive Lucid Dreaming
In the lucid dream, I was told that to come into my power I would have to kill something and create some beautiful in its place in both my waking and dreaming lives. As I came to my great waking death moment of having nothing and having to see if I could still love myself, the temptation to surrender to the voices around me telling me I was wrong and stupid and selfish and despicable was hard. Trusting that this was what I was being asked and would be taken care of was brutal – especially in the face of breaking the heart of the one I love and losing my beautiful baby boy.

Something seriously died that day that everything crashed down, but what a gift it was to prove to myself beyond a shadow of a doubt that even with nothing I now know I have the strength to love myself before anything and anyone and an unwavering trust that Spirit will always take care of me. That next day, I was offered a job and I was able to begin the hard work of reconciling my relationship with my love. Providence on so many levels.
Precognitive Music
The next couple months had themes of shadow issues, new learning, and symbols of beginning to “get in the game” after what had felt like a lot of prep for the “game.” In one of the dreams for April, I tell my mother-in-law that there is still a “titch” in my victim archetype (which I had done extensive work with). I had the realization in June that my lyricist archetype had an enormous amount of victim energy attached to it. I had been unconscious of that being the reason I struggled to fully embrace it within me.
One of my dreams for July, spoke of me starting a new job, one as a musician, and that I started “next weekend.” “Next weekend,” once awake, felt like it implied the next month, so August. Which would end up being true. That month my dreams began offering me songs to write to help me in my attempts to heal my lyricist after becoming so aware of its dysfunction.

September saw a dream where I was freestyling and song lyrics were just flowing through me so effortlessly! The songs my dreams were inspiring were like this. It was like since they were being offered from somewhere deep within me that they were already there, just waiting for me to sit down and let it come through. It usually takes me a year to write an album. This one took two and a half months! It was SUCH an inspired project!
Precognitive Musing
Another dream for that month had a notion of my Anima being given the lead in my creative life and this, too, was very much true. She is my muse and I was surrendering to the process and giving her the wheel.
October’s dream was of me meeting the wise old man/wizard archetype. There was a notion of jumping in a circular pond. True initiates would feel pleasant, warm water. Those who weren’t yet, would feel soul chilling cold water. I get in and it’s pleasant. In hindsight, I feel this was saying that I was fulfilling the second part of the directive in that lucid dream for the waking state portion – something had to die and reviving my music was my act of beauty to replace it! I feel this point was the start of the Return aspect of my journey. That of which is still happening as I continue to climb back from my waking “death” and await yet what this death in the lucid state will be.
Christmas Gift
For November, I have an amazing dream that is of Christmas morning with my family. I go outside with a friend and he asks me if I will be sharing my story today. I say yes! Then we meditate and I say “I am one with the force, the force is with me” and I’m wrapped in a divine energy. November is the month I finished recording my album. It was a great ode to all the work I had been doing throughout my rite of passage – it was my “story!” During the recording of it, continuing to surrender to this process, I felt like the divine came through me. It was a gift from Spirit definitely (Xmas)!

My final dream for December showed me at a club. I am recording myself talking, as if to post on social media to inspire others. I say “I’m here tonight trying to bring action to my dreams. To get out of my head and really bring them to life. I’m sure many people can relate to this problem.” This has always been my problem. Since September, I had begun performing again at a monthly open mic per request by my dreams. By December, I was getting my confidence back for being on stage and the beginning of 2018 would see me begin performing even more consistently than I ever have.
The Art of Surrender
The dreams of this progression are so special to me! They certainly showcase the dream’s prophetic potency in a way that baffles me. I believe our dreams always offer us what we need. I really needed this consistent of a road map, but I’m sure others in our group probably didn’t receive the same, but I suspect they did receive from it what they, too, needed.
I think surrender is key to this process. Susanne will offer you amazing incubations for each night. Hold those firm and deeply surrender for the wisdom of the dream to manifest that exactly as THEY see fit. You can trust them! When it comes to prophecy, we tend to brace ourselves and go, “show me…but it better be pretty and happy.” Let that go, affirm you trust even if it’s not what you’d want.
I hope you join us this coming season!
Steven Ernenwein*