This Mindfunda is about how you can set up a dream journal for your daily dream entries in a way that will enable you to get the most out of it.
Hellen Keller: “I don’t want to live in a hand-me-down world of others’ experiences. I want to write about me, my discoveries, my fears, my feelings, about me”
Dream Journal: A Roman About You
The best books have sex, betrayal, jealousy and a (heartbreaking) romance. Do you want such a book written about you? Start creating your own dream diary!
Your dreams are filled with emotions, emotions that are the clue to attaching meaning to your own dreams.
First, you are going to need a notebook. Preferably one with a hardcover.
Writing your dreams out by hand is a very good exercise that will keep your brain in shape.

Dream Journal: How to Draft Your Dream
Once you have your dream journal, you know divide it into a left page and a right one.
On the left pages of your dream journal you are going to write:
What your core emotion of that day has been (for example: Aggravated, or Relaxed, or Loveable, or Argumentative);
What you ate that day;
What sign the moon is in (here is more information about what Connie Kaplan has to say about the importance of the moon on dream content).
What (if any) incubation you used.
On the right page you write your dream. Write it in the present tense, like you experience it writing it down.
After writing it down, give the dream a title (always feel welcome to change the title if after analysis, a more appropriate one comes to mind.
Dream Journal: Room for Analysis
Make a list of all the dream symbols under your dream. Sit down, make sure you have some undisturbed time and write every first association with each dream symbol in your dream journal.
Re-write your dream using the associations and see what happens with the story.
This is one of the easiest ways to set up a dream journal. Using both pages for a different purpose: one intended for the dream and one intended to analyse background variables that influence your dream content.
And if you have any questions about a dream, you can always hire me to help you with a dream.
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