Lucid dreaming book tips

art by dream

How to become aware in a dream that you are dreaming? A lot of books have been written on the subject. Some better than others. Mindfunda gives a list of the five best books about how to lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming Book tip #1

lucid dreaming
The art of dreaming

The ultimate classic of lucid dreaming. It has taught many people the skills to achieve lucid dreaming by carefully looking at their hands before falling asleep. While doing so you must decide that every time you see your hands (you always have them with you) you ask yourself whether you are sleeping or not. A very succesful method that has helped many people who are now famous in the area of dreaming like Robert Waggoner and Stanley Krippner.

Lucid dreaming Book tip #2


Lucid dreaming paperback

I will start out our list with a classic. Stephen LaBerge wrote this basic guide years ago. it is still one of the best guides around. It teaches you to remember things, it teaches you to become aware, and it teaches you to test the reality you are experiencing. A very good beginners book.

Lucid dreaming Book tip #3

Robert Waggoner wrote a basic book together with his student Caroline McCready. Mindfunda did an interview with Robert Waggoner you can read more information about it here.

Lucid dreaming plain and simple

This book gives very useful and practical how to exercises that challenge you to improve on your lucid skills. It is filled with the history of lucid dreaming and really a good source of information.

Lucid dreaming Book tip #4

If you have more experience in lucid dreaming, this guide is as useful as it is practical.  Lucid dreaming, New Perspectives on Consciousness in Sleep (Practical and Applied Psychology)

Written by Ryan Hurd, edited by Kelly Bulkeley. Fariba Bogzaran, Clare Johnson and many others participated in this historical overview of experiments, articles and books about lucid dreaming.

lucid dreaming


Lucid dreaming Book tip #5

Since ancient times there is a special way of falling asleep and keeping conscious. Dream yoga. Dream yoga is an ancient Buddhist monk practice that is described in various books. Here is one of the best: it is useful, practical and easy to read.

lucid dreaming
Dreaming yourself awake

Dream yoga are buddhist practices to learn the skill of lucid dreaming as a spiritual transformation. Several levels of awareness while dreaming can be taught. To become aware that one is dreaming, to face up to aspects of ones inner shadow, to practice changing objects in dreams.

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Mindfunda about Dreams and Dreaming

If you are interested in dreams, Mindfunda is the blog for you. Please subscribe to the blog using the sign up form at your left hand side. I write every other day, about dreams, spirituality, mythology. I regularly review the latest books about dreams and dream research on Mindfunda Bookreviews.

If you want to remember more dreams, I have got 10 useful tips for you. If you do remember dreams on a regular basis, you would want to know the meaning of your dreams. There are several ways of dream interpretation you can use to decipher dream meanings.

On the topic of Lucid dreaming, I created a list of the top 5 books about lucid dreaming I recommend (Let me know if I have missed a book about lucid dreaming that you thought was extremely good).

On my Youtube Channel I have an interview with world-renowned lucid dreamer Robert Waggoner, talking about Lucid dreaming plain and Simple.

There are so many ways of dreaming, so many creative things you can do with a dream. You can enhance the scientific thought that dreams are the result of the neutrons in the brain working out and training. You can embrace the thought that dreams know you through the depths of your soul, or you can curiously explore every way there is to discover more about one of the mysteries that science has not figured out yet.

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Susanne van Doorn

What is Mindfunda about?

My name is Susanne van Doorn, I am a Dutch psychologist, blogger and author. I have been working with psychology, dreams and mythology ever since I finished my study in psychology at Tilburg University. I made this independent site to share insights, and recent scientific articles about the brain, dreams, and mythology for use in your personal life.

This content is categorised as Dreamfunda.

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