This dream is part of a series of four blogs. How to Use A Dream as a Tool For Self Development; How to Analyse a Dream with an Archetype in 4 Easy Steps; Q & A: 7 Questions and Answers about Dreaming, and Mythology;Four Smart Questions and Answers About Dreams You had not Thought of Yourself
Q & A: Questions and Answers about dreams, mythology and spirituality. As your trusted advisor on the subject of dreams, spirituality and mythology I have compiled a list of the questions people usually ask me about dreams, the meaning of dreams, mythology and spirituality.
Q & A #1: What does my dream mean?
There are several ways you can use to attach meaning to a dream. Non of them is 100 % accurate. Because it is all a question of interpretation. That is why people who try to help you attach a meaning to your dream always say that a dream is ‘layered”: it has multiple layers of possible meanings attached into all its symbolism.
I always consider dreams a kind of Rorschach test. You have vague images and you project your own meaning into them. The one problem people can encounter using this method, is that people usually get stuck into their own interpretation of the world. That is why I always encourage seeking an objective opinion when you have the feeling that a dream has a significant meaning.

Q & A #2: What book do you recommend to help me figure out what my dream means?
I have a list of ten favourite books that I re-read on a regular basis. You might have noticed that I am a book-addict and I regularly review books. Each year I publish a list of books I have reviewed. Here is my book review list of 2016 an my book list of 2015. And here are the books of the first quarter of 2017 that you are going to find soon on Mindfunda.

Q & A #3 How can I Teach Myself to Lucid Dream?
There are a number of techniques to teach yourself to be aware that you are dreaming while you are in a dream. The famous “hand” technique” as mentioned by Carlos Casteneda. Your hands are always with you. So when you look at your hands while awake and asking yourself if you are dreaming is going to create a habit in which you will ask yourself that question while you are dreaming. In your dreams, your hands look odd: sometimes they fade away, sometimes you see extra fingers. This can be a trigger to induce a lucid dream.
There are many techniques and supplements that help increase vividness of dreams and therefore will make lucid dreaming more probable. Galantamine, commonly used for patients suffering from Alzheimer, is one of them. There are some good books about lucid dreaming. Robert Waggoner is one of the best and most knowledgable teachers in lucid dreaming. I can also recommend the book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” of Stephen LaBerge, that I used myself.
Q & A #4: Are There Ways to Improve my Dream Memory?
People often tell me that their partner remembers dreams all the time, but it never happens to them. Here are some things you can do about it. Drink water during the evening. That way you will probably wake up and have to go to the bathroom in the night. Waking up encourages dream memory. Another tip is to wake up early. Tell yourself that you are going to wake up at a certain time and ask yourself what was happening. Try to “walk back” in your mind and see if this triggers any memories about your dream.

Write down a story, any story that comes into your mind early upon awakening. your mind will get used to it and you will start to recall and write down your dreams very soon. Want more tips? Download my free ebook.
Q & A #5: How Much Sleep do I need?
This varies from person to person. There are people who function well with little sleep. For example: Margret Thatcher was famous for her short nights. But on average people need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. When you suffer from sleeplessness it is usually caused by medicine, food or illness. You can read much more about sleep in this blog.
Q & A #6: Does the way I Sleep influence the Content of my Dreams?
Research done by Hong Shue Yan indicated that if you sleep on your stomach, you will get more sexual orientated dreams. Another research indicated that sleeping on your left side can lead to more nightmares. Sleeping on your right side induced more pleasant dreams.
When you sleep and take care that you are not lying down, but sitting up, you try to stay conscious while dreaming. I have even heard of people who sleep in carton boxes to induce this kind of dreaming. It is called Tibetan Dream Yoga. Falling asleep this way should retain your consciousness during sleep and induce lucid dreaming.
Q & A #7: Why do I never have a Big, Meaningful Mythological Dream?
I am convinced that everyone has those big dreams. You might not have remembered them. You might not have recognised them. How do you spot a mythological theme in a dream? Answer the question: where am I in waking life on the path of the hero?
Determine the adventures that are calling you. Usually we don’t want to hear the call. In your dreams you are in the “special world”. If you read the archetypical dream I recently analysed, you know it is mythological. But there are mythological themes in ordinary dreams as well. You only have to know how to look for them.
Ask yourself some questions if you want to discover the mythological content of your dreams:
- Is your dream about Love or about Power?
- Is your dream about Heaven or Earth?
- Is your dream about Life-Death-Resurrection?
If the answer to one of the questions is yes, you are sure there is a mythological theme that lies at the foundation of the dream. If you want more knowledge about mythology and dreams my own online course treats six subjects: creation, animals, woman, men, trickster and the grail. Each lesson has a multitude of questions regarding your own dreams that will make you see your dreams in a new light
Our Current Courses (Click to find out More)
Sign up for our free e-book: 10 easy ways to instantly improve your dream memory
I often turn dreams into poetry. My poem, “Dream of the Cosmos” is one such example … for held within the verses is an active imagination dialogue with the Queen of Heaven. I find dreams so rich, and deeply creative to explore. Other times I’ll draw or paint a dream image. Last year I drew a terrifying spider, the Great Mother herself! Blessings, Deborah
Hi Deborah,
I am glad the Q&A had some new information for you. I am preparing a new blog about “Questions you should be asking about dreams and mythology” not a preachy kind of blog, but the blog I have been wanting to write for years.
I like the active way you use active imagination. In my daily visualisations I started to use inner dialogues as well, that is nice isn’t it? I noticed that it gave me so much valuable insights. Do you also use it when you write your poetry? Reading your poetry feels like taking a glimpse inside your soul.
Take care,
Hi Susanne, It’s wonderful to read an article about dreamwork that’s been written by someone who clearly is spellbound by them! I enjoyed your clear and succinct questions and answers. Re: Q & A #6, I had no idea that the sleeping position you take up holds such significance. For me, I sleep always on my left side, and do have many nightmares, hmm! This is true. To take dreams to the next level I will often use Carl Jung’s “Active Imagination” technique, and will dialogue with my dream characters. Warm wishes to you, Deborah.
lovely post Susanne – an invaluable aid in this gift from the gods … thank you ..
Thank you Susan, I hope that I answered a lot of questions that people have about dreams and mythology