The summer is getting near. This is the month of June and on June 21 there will be the solstice. Time to take it slow and to retreat. Time to travel inwards preferably to a place that brings out the best in you. There are spiritual places where the earth seems to have an effect on your inner well-being. Here is Mindfunda’s list of 5 spiritual retreats.

Spiritual retreats #1: Sedona
Sedona is a place that combines spiritual energies. Rumor has it that it resonates in Kundalini energy. Kundalini energy resonates in a physical body from the lower chakra upwards to the crown of the head. That experience is considered to be very enlightening.
In Sedona the earth is said to experience this same phenomena. Your dreams will take on a new level of awareness and your physical well-being will flourish.
Spiritual retreats #2: Lourdes
Lourdes in the French Pyrenees has a very moving history. Way back in 1856 a small girl named Bernadette saw a young lady dressed in white with a blue ribbon. Mother Mary had appeared and started to perform miracles.
The lady appears several time to Bernadette. Miracles began to occur, people were healed. This beautiful remote town high in the mountains will charm you. Even though it has become highly commercial, the nature is beautiful and water has never tasted so good anywhere in the world.
Spiritual retreats #3: Delphi
The oracle of Delphi is world-famous. The oracle powers of Pythia, who sat on a tripod inhaling gases that blew her mind. This is the place of worship for the ancient mother goddess. It is high on my list of places to visit. The oracle’s declarations could be mystical, like the one given to the Celts: “Care for these things fall on me”, but in hindsight they always made sense. The oracle had refered to several earth quakes that where about to happen.
Spiritual retreats #4: Joshua Tree national monument
In the Mojave desert home for the Mohave people who lived alongside the river Yuman. Dreams where called su’mach, and seen as a gateway to creativity and knowledge.
What we call now “Big Dreams” were seen as great tellings and where a guide to the tribe. Some people where better than others in conceiving these dreams and where selected. after a time of initiation they dreamed for the well-being of the whole tribe.
Spiritual retreats #5: Australia
Australia is one of the most spiritual countries to travel. Dreamtime was considered the explanation of ultimate human reality. The tribes lived with the land. they listened to the rhythms of the land and saw them reflected in their own body.
The blue mountains are considered a very spiritual place in Australia. The Gundungurra tribe thought it was the result of a battle the Mirigan and Garangatch, half-fish, half reptile.
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