Start of Spring: An Invitation to Dream an Ode to Freya

Let’s celebrate the start of spring together! I want to invite you to join me on Mindfunda for a spring dream time celebration. This celebration is a part of my new online courses about Norse Mythology.


Start of Spring: a Promise of Fertility

After a period of darkness and hunger, the light comes back again. The lack of sun produced Vitamine D has caused your body to store more fat than you would like to admit.

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Cartoon: Metzger


In Norse Mythology, Freya, whose name is sometimes spelled as Freyia, is the Queen of love and fertility. But she is more than just beauty and boobs. She is “a goddess of witchcraft,  seiðr (soothsaying), initiation, fate, death, wisdom and shape-changing” (Maria Kvilhaug in The Seed of Yggdrasil).

In this first lesson, that starts on the first day of spring March 20, you will get a more information about Freya. You will learn how she is connected to fertility and love, you will learn about her independency. You will discover how she is the goddess of faith.

Start of Spring: Shape – Shifting

Freja, Lady Sovereign, is a shape shifter. Many of you dreamers have had dreams in which you where another gender or another creature. Some of you have even shape – shifted during (lucid) dreams.

Springtime is the time for new life to come into being. Going into being is only possible by shape shifting.

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By Arthur Rackham the image was published in: Wagner, Richard (translated by Margaret Amour) (1910).

How are you shaped shifting? In your life and in your dreams? Do you dare to change your form? Welcome new possibilities in your life. Embrace old traits of your personality that long to be integrated.

Spring is not only about new things. It is also about acknowledging how much your shape has shifted. You are a different person than you where a year ago. But still you feel like you. That is shape-shafting in its ultimate form.

Start of Spring: Freya as the Wicked Witch

Freya is a female shaman, a magician. In the shape of giantess Gondul she affects the fates of men. In her shape of the Great Ocean she is the Goddess of the Cosmos.

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Cartoon: Maria Scrivan

In ancient times, every woman with a wand was considered to be knowledgeable and powerful. Respected, free from harm.

This spring time celebration is an invitation to get out your wand and fly!

Start of Spring: Norse Mythology:

In this four lesson course, that starts this spring, you will get access to:

  • An opportunity to learn about Norse Mythology;
  • You will get 4 dream incubations;
  • You will get access to a Facebook group where you can learn from others and add value yourself about the things you have learned during this course;
  • You will get 4 weeks of intensive training in how Norse Mythology plays a part in your life and your dreams;
  • A lesson about Freya as Goddess of Spring;
  • A lesson about Odin and the Life Tree;
  • A lesson about Loki, the eternal Trickster;
  • A lesson about the Dreaming Goddess, Creator of the Universe


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2 thoughts on “Start of Spring: An Invitation to Dream an Ode to Freya”

  1. Hi Susanne, Dreaming with the shape shifting Freya is a perfect topic for spring. Love all your cartoons, so funny especially the first one … and so true! Just the thought of this Goddess makes me want to sit and write reams of poetry. Good luck with preparing your course, and your own shape-shifting. Warm wishes, Deborah.

    1. Hi Deborah, thank you for your comment. Yes, in a way Freya represents the whole tarot-journey-of-life in one bundle of goddess-like energy.

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