‘There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window.‘ (Tuco).
Three men: Blondie, (the Good), Tuco, (the Ugly), and Angel Eyes, (the Bad), are searching for gold buried by Bill Carson. They pursue the journey of life by pure wits and end up (nearly) killing each other.

(How) are you looking at spurs in your life right now? The tarot, besides a divination deck is a guideline to find the hidden gold. Mindfunda introduces a new online course about the Big Arcana to help you track them down: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
The Good and the Ugly have a trick. One hunts the other, turns him in and gets a reward. When they are hung, the other shoots him loose and they flee until the reward is turned up higher and they pull the same trick again.

The story told in the Western Classic the Good the Bad and the Ugly shows resemblances to life. That is why it became such a big hit. We all search for gold, we all have done things that path the time seemed right but in retrospect made us regret the action. We all betrayed our friends as well as ourselves. But always there is hope for a better life. This course promises you that you will get to know yourself better.
You are going to get 23 lessons, one each week. The first lesson is an introduction. It tells you about the tarot, its history and the decks we are going to use: the Rider Waite Tarot and the Tarot of the New Vision. Since this course will not be about learning how to use the tarot as a divination device, it is not absolutely necessary to have the decks at hand, tough I can imagine you wold want to look at the cards while reading the information in the course.
The Tarot of the New Vision shows the backside of the Rider Waite Tarot cards and is therefore a nice deck to become more aware of the shadow-side of the archetype depicted.
Tuco: You want to know who you are? Huh? You want to know who’s son you are? You don’t, I do, everybody does… you’re the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.
You are likely to find out that you are marching to the drum of a variety of archetypes. Each week a lesson about a card from the Big Arcana, starting with the Fool who takes the step, right up to the card of the World in the last week. You will find out that this card will seriously help you find out more about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly living inside the depths of your soul. You are going to know more about whose son (M/F) you are.
In each lesson you will get:
* Information about a card of the major arcana, how this archetype is expressed in celebrities and in dreams;
* The symbols and their meaning on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck and on the Deck of the Tarot of the New Vision;
* Exercises to discover how this card manifests in your own life;
* An incubation to explore the card manifest in the realm of dreams;
* A dream sharing group on Facebook. This is a closed group so your dreams will remain in this group, and are not visible to the public eye.
If you want to, you are welcome to buy the Silver package: here you will get every lesson, the incubation and the dream group AND a written analysis of common dream themes in the dreams shared during the course. This is not an in-depth analysis of a single dream, but tying together dreams shared during the course .
If you want an in depth analysis of a single dream on top of the Silver Package, choose the Golden Package. This is the most elaborated version of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and ensures that you will reap the best benefit. In the Golden package is not only a dream book with your tarot dreams per card, and an analysis of how the archetypes express themselves, but also the opportunity to consult me about one particular dream during one hour on Zoom.
This is what former clients have said about this course:
For such a powerful undertaking one needs a genuine and knowledgeable teacher. Susanne’s masterful grasp of various world mythologies and her deep intuitive mind makes her the right dream guide on this course. The meticulously crafted lessons and dream incubations week after week helped to immerse us into the tarot major arcana and seed the appropriate dreams for our exploration. Moreover, Susanne’s exquisite dream analysis and insights helped me to figure out and interpret dreams in a profound and new way. Her ability to make so many intuitive connections not only between my dreams with myths and archetypes but also amongst the dreams that I posted during the entire course has been very illuminating. I started to see a golden thread being weaved across all the dreams and how they were building on one another. With every dream, I was able to arrive at a eureka moment in waking life that brought me deep realizations and resolutions about various aspects of myself.
‘Susanne’s course wraps the ancient and mysterious practice of Pathworking into a more modern and relatable light. Path-working required the use of dreams and OBEs in western mysticism to travel and explore various centers in the psyche using the Tarot Major Arcana as doorways. The major arcana is a map of the alchemical journey of the soul through incarnation. What a better tool to delve into the unconscious via the medium of dreams?
Fostering a friendly and open spirit of discussion in the group, Susanne was able to create a warm cozy atmosphere and a safe space to discuss some of our deepest joys and fears as they appeared in our night dreams.
If you are interested in dreams, tarot, and self-discovery then I highly recommend this course. It is for both the beginner in Tarot and those already experienced in the subject. You will deep dive into your psyche and go on the Fool’s Journey to experience the alchemy of the Major Arcana’.
‘By way of Susanne her well-crafted dream incubations, we dreamed into each card’s symbolism, progressing from one card to the next, week by week. Though insightful facilitation of posts in our dedicated community Facebook page, Susanne gently supported conscious awareness of the Tarot archetypes that she tracked sequentially in the dreams we shared. My first associations to the archetypal images were with the outer collective world. As I worked through the cards, I came to understand more fully that my reactions to the cards were likely projections of aspects in myself that needed further attention and healing. My dreams gradually depicted the awakening of higher consciousness which helped restore balance among those projected aspects of the psyche, especially with respect to the condition of the inner animus. I highly recommend Susanne’s class for all who wish to explore the mysteries that for centuries have been keys for opening the doors to universal principles for spiritual enlightenment.’
If this course does not appeal to you, but you have a dream that you want to know more about?
Sign up to receive our free ebook: 10 easy ways to instantly improve your dream memory