9/11 2001 the unthinkable thing happened. All consists of energy, all energy is connected. Dreams are vehicles for energy. Can we protect ourselves using the power of dreams?
9/11 will be marked in the mind of everybody of my generation as the day that the unthinkable thing happened. The outrage you feel when innocent people are the victim of political forces. It could have been you, or me. We could have gotten up early and gone to work in the greatest symbol of America’s capitalism: the twin towers. Gotten our morning coffee, looked out of the window, and …
9/11 powerless
The powerlessness we all feel when political forces beyond our control immediately threaten our life. It makes us want to re-shape, re-think, re-invent methods that will provide security when something like this happens again. Because in the political arena, not much has changed. The energies are still the same. The ‘Big’ countries haven’t grown together in a peaceful way even though we all hoped and prayed they would. So what are the alternative ways that we simple, modest human beings like you and me, can protect ourselves? Would dreaming be a way to safety?
9/11 dreams
There were a lot of people with pre-cognitive dreams about 9/11. I will share some impressive ones with you.
Al Davison; a predictive dream-comic. Two days before 9/11: I dream I’m a child at ground zero, mourning the devastation–and witnessing rebirth.
Dreamers unite after 9/11
Post 9/11 dreaming
Even though it has been a long time since 2001 we all felt the threat imposed upon us. So I wanted to share a dream of Brenda Ferrimani (Click to read) that reflects the shock and horror we all went through. Because you and me, we know we could have been the ones sitting there. Brenda asks us, as she asks herself: Is the healing of the world possible from an individual perspective? Start with looking at your own dreams and be aware of all the potential in a dream, even if it is a very scary one. You can read the full dream here. I will share some things about the dream and Brenda’s perspective on it that resonate with me today, 14 years after.
I am in my bed at night. I hear coyotes in the distance. There’s a window at the foot of the bed and a light in the sky, shinning in. I sense there’s something out there. I move toward the window and as I do I am sucked out! I begin falling into endless darkness!
I am falling down, down into the deep darkness. I feel like screaming, but then I remind myself I am dreaming. At this point I become lucid.
I can see and feel everything slow, and I stop falling. I ask, “What is for me here?” I demand, “SHOW ME, SHOW ME!” Then, I begin to move upward. I see the stars as I am traveling up to the heavens. Then huge metal discs with alien writing start moving up around me. I yell once more, “SHOW ME!” — I even say this out loud in waking reality and I wake myself up.”
Brenda considers this dream an invitation to look -with love and warmth- at your own fears. And we share fears. Loosing our health, loosing our jobs, loosing our loved ones and finally loosing our lives. 9/11 showed us how fragile we are.
The Power of Precognitive Dreams: A Way to Protect Ourselves?
The events of 9/11 left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness, but it also sparked a deeper interest in the power of dreams, particularly precognitive dreams. Many individuals experienced vivid dreams in the lead-up to the tragedy, with some even describing images and symbols directly related to the attacks. These dreams are often seen as a reflection of a greater interconnectedness between our individual consciousness and the universe’s energy. In the aftermath of such profound trauma, some individuals are left wondering if our dreams could offer us foresight or even a way to protect ourselves from future events. Could paying closer attention to our dreams provide a form of spiritual or emotional security? While there are no clear answers, it’s evident that dreams hold significant power, both as a means of insight and as an emotional coping tool. Understanding how to interpret and respond to dreams, especially those that feel precognitive, might offer a deeper connection to our own intuitive wisdom.
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