Photo in Header: Rob Hurson
Mindfunda has been organizing the Holy Nights Event for several years now. This year the Cailleach is guardian of our inner journey. This blog is your travel brochure.
The Dark Days around Christmas is the best time to dive into your Inner Light. Each year Mindfunda offers an opportunity to combine Mythology with Dreams during the Holy Nights Event. From December 24 until January 6 you can enjoy the wisdom of the Giant Goddess of Winter the Celtic Cailleach as Guardian of the Holy Nights.
But first let me tell you more about the Cailleach first!

The Cailleach is the Creator of Land, Ruler of the Seas and the Whisperer of the Wind.
I have set up the structure of the Holy Nights Event as a Spiritual Journey, to look inside the dark and find light within.
In the first night you will embrace an inner fear we all have: we are meeting our own death. From this dark place we candle our inner light.

After we dive into our own darkness, we will, in the second night, celebrate Christmas with a sleigh ride across the sky. The Cailleach and her 12 elks will guide you to a feast to nurture your soul.

In the third night, we will concentrate on stones and their ancient wisdom, the rock on which our belief system is build. we will build our own dream temple where we can retreat to meditate and meet others

In the fourth night we will tune into the wisdom of our inner animal nature.
In the fifth night we will dive into the eternal waters of our emotions: happiness, sadness, anger and fear. The Cailleach is associated with the healing properties of water and this night we will focus on an emotionally stable 2020.

The Cailleach is the veiled one. In the sixth night you will lift the veil of the Goddess to search for the best perception of your world in 2020.
in the seventh night we will focus on the Cailleach as Earth Goddess and invite her to dream the land together. Is the Cailleach dreaming you, or are you dreaming the Cailleach?
In night number eight We will fight the Cailleach as a Black Bull, the symbol of life fighting the Earth Goddess of Death.

In the ninth night we will descend to our inner sanctuary under guidance of the nine maidens. Sisters and helpers of the Cailleach. In this night we will align our spirit with the nine worlds of the Celts.

In night number ten we will ascend the mountain of our inner spirit and meet the Cailleach in her natural realm.

In night eleven we will connect with the Cailleach as bestower of our inner sovereignty .

In the last night we will take a closer look at the Eye of the Cailleach. We will redefine our concept of Self drawing a mandala filled with dream images we received during this event.

And in the night of epiphany we will look back at the past nights, share experiences and evaluate.
Ready to join this year’s journey?

Treat yourself to a dreaming bootcamp!
Come gather online and enrich your view on your own dream interpretations with mesmerising Celtic stories. Get inspired by exclusive incubations that will unlock your inner wisdom as a Christmas gift to yourself.
* 13 nights of online guided dreaming in the comfort of your own home;
* a mythological journey guided by daily Celtic symbolism
supported by dedicated and exclusive audio incubations that
will guide you to meaningful dreams;
*personal guidance for deeper connection with your own mythological and archetypical knowledge (extra in the Silver and Gold value packs);
*group dream sharing (private access included) to exchange your thoughts and experiences
Airgid- Silver pack additions:
You also can upgrade to the Silver package where you get more detailed insights into five of the dreams you shared in the private Facebook group. At the end of the event you will get all the dreams you shared during the event sent to you in an word document.- Silver pack additions:
Oir- Gold pack additions:
In the Gold package you get an online dream consultation on Skype on top of the dream analysis for five dreams and the word document with your dreams.