3 ways to look at your Animal Totem

Explore the mystical connection with your animal totem, from the gentleness of deer to the transformative power of snakes. Discover how nature’s wisdom can guide and heal, inspired by Adrian Boshier’s journey and Lyall Watson’s ‘Lightning Bird.’ Embrace the magic of totems and their spiritual significance.

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Create the life that you want using your dreams

Unlock the power of your dreams to create the life you truly desire. Justina Lasley, author of Wake Up to Your Dreams, reveals how her Dream Synergy method helped her transform her career, find love, and achieve clarity in life. Discover the three steps to dream empowerment: improve dream recall, interpret dreams with wisdom, and take actionable steps toward change. Watch our exclusive Mindfunda interview with Justina and learn practical techniques to integrate dream insights into your waking life. Start your journey to self-discovery and authentic living today!

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Can I quote you on this? A list of the 7 best quotes

  Today’s Mindfunda is about quotes. Don’t you love it when you are reading a good book and a chapter

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Golden Dawn: Talking to the Gods using magic

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” W.B. Yeats Almost every one

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Gossip: the ghost that glues together because it separates

Discover the emotional impact of gossip and how it shapes relationships in this insightful blog post. Reflecting on a personal story from university, the author explores the painful experience of being the subject of gossip and the lasting effects it had on a former friendship. Through dreams and self-reflection, learn how to protect yourself emotionally from the damage caused by gossip. Gain wisdom from the Dalai Lama and Lori Palatnik’s book Gossip, which offers practical tips for eliminating harmful words from your life and fostering healthier relationships. This post delves into personal growth, boundaries, and healing from the effects of gossip.

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John Dee, betrayed friend or accomplice?

What if you were held in high regard at the court of the English Queen, lost her favor, dwelled over

John Dee, betrayed friend or accomplice? Read More »

Trickster tactics: from archetype to evolution

The minute the builders of the Titanic announced that it was “unbreakable” the Trickster yawned and stretched and looked around for an iceberg”
Jeremy Taylor

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3 reasons to watch Pixar Inside out

Why You Should Watch Pixar’s Inside Out – 4 Reasons + Bonus!

Pixar’s Inside Out offers a heartwarming and clever look inside the mind of a young girl, Riley, navigating the challenges of growing up. Here are four reasons (with a bonus!) to watch this must-see film:

Relatable Childhood Struggles: Riley’s world is turned upside down when her family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. The film perfectly captures that feeling of uncertainty and change that many kids face during pivotal life moments.
Inside the Mind of Emotions: The movie gives a unique view of how emotions work. Riley’s emotions are personified as characters: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear, each with their own quirky symbols. Joy takes center stage, but the others have important roles to play.
Dreams and Memories: Inside Out creatively portrays how memories are stored and how dreams work in Riley’s mind. From dreamland to fake memories, the film brings the complexities of the subconscious to life, with fun visuals like movie posters for common dream themes.
The Importance of Balance: As Riley navigates her new life, she learns that Joy and Sadness must work together to restore balance in her mind. This emotional journey reflects growing up: learning to accept both joy and sadness to find true inner harmony.
Bonus Reason: Inside Out is not only entertaining but also deeply lovable, making it a must-watch for both kids and adults. And don’t forget, there’s now an Inside Out 2 to continue the adventure!

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Dreaming at the crossroads of Life

Join me on a journey through life’s crossroads as I reflect on my dreams and their guidance in each stage of life. From childhood into womanhood, through motherhood and partnership, and now into the Crone phase, dreams have offered insights and wisdom at every step. Explore the powerful symbolism in dreams that help us navigate personal growth, spiritual development, and the wisdom of age. Read more of my story at Patti Allen’s Heart-Centered Dreamwork blog.

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Dreaming: Do you know Where your Consciousness Goes when You fall asleep?

You are tired. You lie down in bed, close your eyes, yawn and drift away… What happened to your consciousness? Dreaming by Jennifer Windt addresses this question. Philosophical groundwork for modern dream research.

Dreaming: Do you know Where your Consciousness Goes when You fall asleep? Read More »

3 ways of being creative like van Gogh

To remember the death of one of the mosr famous painters in the netherlands, Vincent van Gogh, Mindfunda was invited to give a presentation on how we can use dreams as a creative gateway to improve the quality of our lives

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James Randi, honest liar, let’s us focus on our own spirituality

James Randi, an honest liar tells in his film about his live as a magician and his crusade for the truth. But theer is a deception near that he does not know about.

James Randi, honest liar, let’s us focus on our own spirituality Read More »

Must an Artist Struggle?

Artists often struggle—with integrity, originality, and transcending pain. Brenda Ferrimani, a Dream Artist, shares how personal and artistic battles have fueled her creativity. Inspired by films like Whiplash and her life experiences, Ferrimani explores how inner and outer challenges can push us to self-expression and innovation. Through her evocative dream paintings like Expansion, Soul Tree, and I Am Salmon, she illustrates how struggle can lead to profound growth and transformation.

Discover how overcoming struggles can illuminate the path to creativity and authenticity.

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Sense8: a mythology of connection and magic

Mindfunda explores Sense8. The Netflix series of the Wachowskis (yes from the Matrix) has some intriguing mythological themes. Watch the show to take you to an inner journey for your personal mythology.

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Starry night, a painting as a dream

This Mindfunda looks at Starry night from Vincent van Gogh as if it was a dream. Vincent wrote his brother Theo: I dream of a painting, and then I paint my dream”.
If Starry night is a dream of Vincent, what does it tell us about him?

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Mindfulness: Muse, be Alert, Aware and amazed

Explore the groundbreaking mindfulness research of Ellen Langer, Harvard psychologist and author. Learn how simple choices, time perception, and experiments like reversing the eye chart can unlock healthier, more mindful living.

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Dalai Lama dreams: here is looking at you kid!

Explore the fascinating dreamwork of Patti Allen, who shares insights from her dreams about the Dalai Lama. Discover four transformative techniques to decode the symbolic messages of famous people in your dreams and learn how to integrate their wisdom into your waking life.

Dalai Lama dreams: here is looking at you kid! Read More »

The words 'Lucid Dream' arranged on a wooden table, symbolizing awareness and dream contro

The 5 Best Books on Lucid Dreaming: How Lucid Dreaming Works

Discover the top 5 books on lucid dreaming that will help you gain awareness in your dreams and take control of your dream world. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced dreamer, these expert-recommended books offer step-by-step techniques, scientific insights, and practical exercises to improve dream recall and enhance consciousness. Learn from renowned authors like Robert Waggoner, Stephen LaBerge, and Ryan Hurd as they share proven methods to achieve lucid dreams.

Read more and start your lucid dreaming journey today!

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Psychology professor Stanley Krippner about dreams myths and visions

Mindfunda had the honor of interviewing Stanley Krippner, professor in psychology on Saybrook University about his life. You can watch

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Mandorla, a way to see the other side of the coin

Discover how integrating opposites can lead to healing and wholeness. In my interview with author Jean Benedict Raffa, we explore her award-winning book Healing the Sacred Divide, where she shares wisdom on uniting the masculine and feminine aspects within us. Learn about the mandorla, a sacred space where light and dark meet, and how working with dreams can unlock personal transformation.

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The Well of Remembrance: Rediscovering the Earth Wisdom Myths of Northern Europe

In The Well of Remembrance, Ralph Metzner invites us on a journey of ancestral healing and reconnection. Drawing on Norse mythology, Metzner explores Odin’s symbolic sacrifices—hanging from Yggdrasil, giving his eye to the Well of Wisdom—to illustrate the power of reconciliation, inner vision, and ancestral remembrance. At the foot of Yggdrasil, the World Tree, lies Mímir’s Well, where we find wisdom by diving into the waters of our past. Metzner emphasizes the critical need for rituals of reconciliation today, uniting the wisdom of Earth-bound traditions and Sky gods. His message: our ancestors hold stories that heal, guide, and ground us in times of change.

Key Takeaways:

Odin as a bridge-builder between irreconcilable differences.
Mímir’s Well as a symbol of memory and ancestral wisdom.
The importance of reconnecting with mythology to heal modern divides.
Rituals of reconciliation: a practice for today’s world.

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Take a nap to improve your hippocampus

Discover how taking a nap can boost your hippocampus and improve memory. Learn about the fascinating study by Emma Bridger and Axel Mecklinger, exploring the connection between naps, associative memory, and hippocampus function.

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Good books on Mindfunda

Discover the top 5 most popular blogs on Mindfunda, covering dream books, health, lucid dreaming, and interviews with experts like Anne Baring and Robert Waggoner. Explore the intersection of spirituality, research, and mythology in these must-read posts.

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Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal ancient secrets scientifically explained

Aboriginals have lived a life confirmed to the earth. Tuning into the energy of their environment, their mythologies proof to be a valuable source for scientific research

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Ray Kurzweil: futurist or fool?

Dive into the visionary world of Ray Kurzweil, from his work on the Kurzweil synthesizer to his bold pursuit of artificial intelligence and immortality. Explore his groundbreaking ideas on merging biology with technology, ethical dilemmas, and the secrets to a long, healthy life.

Ray Kurzweil: futurist or fool? Read More »

Mindfunda puts new light on the shadow

Explore five relaxed ways to interpret and integrate your shadow self, inspired by Carl Jung’s concept of the unconscious. From understanding the dark sides of your personality through mythological interpretations in films to using lucid dreaming for shadow work, these techniques offer an accessible path to self-discovery and transformation.

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Jim Morrison, rider on the storm?

Discover the fascinating parallels between Jim Morrison, lead singer of The Doors, and Odin, the Norse god of inspiration, divination, and transformation. Explore how Ralph Metzner’s The Well of Remembrance sheds light on the mythological influences in Morrison’s art and spirit.

Jim Morrison, rider on the storm? Read More »

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